Compass Minerals Releases 2017 Environmental & Social Responsibility Update

Compass Minerals has released its 2017 Environmental & Social Responsibility Update, a summary update to the 2016 Sustainability Report, GUIDED BY OUR COMPASS.

This update is an interim report intended to keep our stakeholders informed of our environmental, social and economic progress.

Keeping with the key themes of Safety, Growth, Stewardship and Transparency, this update includes the following key highlights:

  • We exceeded our primary safety target of a 10 percent reduction in the average Severity Index of Injury cases in 2017, and also reported a 36 percent decline in our Total Case Injury Rate.
  • Our growth strategy of investing in Plant Nutrition delivered $375 million in revenue and $49 million in operating earnings in 2017 as a result of the first full year of contribution from our Plant Nutrition South America segment.
  • We continued to advance our environmental stewardship efforts to reduce our carbon footprint and reach the 2020 environmental targets we established in 2016. In fact, four sites reached their 2020 targets in 2017.
  • We increased our focus on building and enabling a high performance workforce. This included a 38 percent increase in spending on training and development and the launch of pilot programs for mentoring and online learning.


In 2019, a full Sustainability Report will be issued for 2018 and will cover five years of performance data and communicate the company’s sustainability goals and objectives.

You can view the 2017 Environmental & Social Responsibility Update here.